What’s up Doll
Hi Friends, I have not written in quite a while. As I start I am not even sure what my topic is or where I am going with this. But for several months now I have felt empty and lost. I miss my Mom, my sister who passed, my Dad who passed, the man who…
Family lost and family not found
Loss, Loss is beyond hard. Losing my Mom this year has been almost unbearable, losing my oldest sister 3 years prior was beyond hard, I also lost my father when I was 18, a man adored. But this blog is about something else. I don’t have to go into detail for someone to understand how…
Hey hey, I am trying to pull my thoughts together. To say I am happy is so vague. But I am down to my core. I have started this journey of self discovery and I like where I am going. I have become more confident, more creative and a lot more social. I…
Peace and Love to my 15 year old self
We are more than our worst year. For me that would be my 15th year. I have had hard times in life like most of us but I have the most regret and the shame for the choices made by my 15 year self. But as I venture into finding myself in this second…
Birthday minus MOM
Hello Friends, My whole blog is about evolving in my 50th year and beyond. I was born February 14, 1968. My mom was very much present as she would be for the next 49 years. So when I woke up the morning of my 50th birthday (in Hawaii) the first thought to enter my mind…
Getting real and Keeping it real
Hey Hey, So this blog is going to be a little deeper. I will share some of my current struggles with trying to get out of my head and maybe with sharing it I will get out of my head. So… here goes nothing. I want to be a positive person and not write about…
Let’s talk about Food Baby
Let’s talk about food baby!! Let me start by saying this is for me, trust me I am not telling anyone how to eat now or ever. For this girl, I am done dieting!!! I have decided if anything goes into my mouth it must be worth it. I want to only eat wonderful delicious…
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Hi, my name is Christy and this is my blog. I am venturing into my 50th year on Valentines Day ’18 and this has got me thinking about how I want the second act of my life. I want to live fuller, try new things, travel and have adventures. I want to live comfortable in my own skin and own age with a little grace, style and a sense of humor.