What’s up Doll

By ChristyBarnes | July 16, 2019

Hi Friends, I have not written in quite a while. As I start I am not even sure what my topic is or where I am going with this. But for several months now I have felt empty and lost. I miss my Mom, my sister who passed, my Dad who passed, the man who…

Family lost and family not found

By ChristyBarnes | August 3, 2018

Loss, Loss is beyond hard.  Losing my Mom this year has been almost unbearable, losing my oldest sister 3 years prior was beyond hard, I also lost my father when I was 18, a man adored.  But this blog is about something else.  I don’t have to go into detail for someone to understand how…


By ChristyBarnes | March 27, 2018

Hey hey, I am trying to pull my  thoughts together.  To say I am happy is so vague.  But I am down to my core.    I have started this journey of self discovery and I like where I am going.    I have become more confident,  more creative and a lot more social.  I…

Peace and Love to my 15 year old self

By ChristyBarnes | March 7, 2018

We are more than our worst year.  For me that would be my 15th year.  I have had hard times in life like most of us but I have the most regret and the shame for the choices made by my 15 year self.   But as I venture into finding myself in this second…

Birthday minus MOM

By ChristyBarnes | February 28, 2018

Hello Friends, My whole blog is about evolving in my 50th year and beyond.  I was born February 14, 1968.  My mom was very much present as she would be for the next 49 years.  So when I woke up the morning of my 50th birthday (in Hawaii) the first thought to enter my mind…

Getting real and Keeping it real

By ChristyBarnes | February 7, 2018

Hey Hey, So this blog is going to be a little deeper.  I will share some of my current struggles with trying to get out of my head and maybe with sharing it I will get out of my head.  So…  here goes nothing. I want to be a positive person and not write about…

They call me the jewelry maker 😉

By ChristyBarnes | February 6, 2018

So how is this fine day finding you… Let me start by saying I love jewelry.  Earthly, raw and unique jewerly.  I see cool pieces and wonder if I could make something like that or how did they do that.  So in my new life of trying things and self discovery.  I signed up for…

Beef Bulgogi

Let’s talk about Food Baby

By ChristyBarnes | January 31, 2018

Let’s talk about food baby!! Let me start by saying this is for me, trust me I am not telling anyone how to eat now or ever. For this girl,  I am done dieting!!!  I have decided if anything goes into my mouth it must be worth it.  I want to only eat wonderful delicious…

Pottery Class ( it was not like Ghost)

By ChristyBarnes | January 31, 2018

Well Howdy! I have always wanted to learn pottery.  You know, hair in braid haning over my shoulder and looking sexy in dirty overalls kind of thing.  So I signed up for a “try it” class, it is what it sounds like, you come in for a couple hours and try it out.  It was…

Cooking with Friends

By ChristyBarnes | January 31, 2018

Hello friends! I have many goals for this year and the next chapter of my life.  One of them is to try new things and be more social.  I knocked both out of the park with this one.  I love Thai food and wanted to learn to cook it at home.  Richard and I enjoy…

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Hi, my name is Christy and this is my blog. I am venturing into my 50th year on Valentines Day ’18 and this has got me thinking about how I want the second act of my life. I want to live fuller, try new things, travel and have adventures. I want to live comfortable in my own skin and own age with a little grace, style and a sense of humor.